Smart Clip Plans & Pricing




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25% OFF


billed as one payment of $8.85/month

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25% OFF


billed as one payment of $8.85/quarter

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50% OFF


billed as one payment of $17.55/quarter

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Best Value
58% OFF


billed as one payment of $19.8/year

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75% OFF


billed as one payment of $34.2/year

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Payment Options

Choose from one of the many convenient payment methods at checkout, including PayPal, major credit card, wire transfer, bank transfer, or local payment methods.

Immediate Delivery

We provide immediate delivery. You will receive a product key via email within just a few minutes of placing an order 24/7.

Money-Back Guarantee

If you are not 100% satisfied with our product, please let us know within 15 days of purchase or auto-renewal payment for a full refund.

Have Any Questions?

If you have any questions about program—installation, features, work registering, etc., please get in touch via this online form or email us at [email protected]. We will be glad to help.

For assistance with payment and orders, please contact our payment processor PayPro Global by emailing [email protected] or calling

 USA and Canada: + 1-866-933-4313 (Toll free)

 International: + 1-646-873-6857

24/7 phone support is available for questions about online payment.

Is a trial version available?

Confirm that our software is right for you with a free, fully functional 14-day trial. No credit card is required. Download the free trials here.

How can I cancel/renew my subscription?

You can manage/cancel/renew your subscription through your payment account or you can contact us at [email protected].

How can I change my plan or add more copies?

Please leave us your request to change your subscription plan or extend/reduce your license.

Ready to get started?

Get in touch, or download our programs.
