Online Dashboard Overview

The online dashboard provides a view of all devices with Smart Time Tracker installed and joined your team.

Team Members

One the left side you can see yours and your team members devices. You can Minimize / Expand this side. Or add a new team member using the button here.

Here you can see a team member name and his time tracking status:

  • Offline – Not currently logged in or disconnected.
  • Online, Tracking Active – Logged in and time tracking is in progress.
  • Online, Tracking Paused – Logged in but time tracking is halted (stopped manually or per schedule).

Select any device to view detailed time tracking reports or to modify activity settings.

Time Reports

  • Tracked Time - Total time tracked. Excludes periods when the computer was off, locked, or tracking was paused.
  • Idle Time - Time without computer activity for over 5 minutes, suggesting the user was away (no mouse click or keyrows press).
  • Active Time - Time actively spent on the computer, calculated as Tracked Time minus Idle Time.
  • Productive Time – Total time spent on productive apps and websites.
  • Arrival Time - Shows when a team member began their workday, based on the earliest recorded activity for the day.
  • Left Time - Shows when a team member stopped working, based on the last time tracking was recorded for the day.
  • Time at Work – Total time from 'Arrival Time' to 'Left Time,' including idle, offline, and private times when tracking was stopped.
  • Productivity - Percentage of time spent on productive apps and websites relative to active time

Time Bars

  • Time Distribution Chart - A bar chart that shows how much time you spend on your computer at different hours of the day.
  • Productivity Pie Chart - A pie chart that categorizes your total time into productive, unproductive, and neutral segments, giving you a clear picture of how you’re spending your time.

Activity List

A ranked list of the applications and websites you use, showing how long you/your team members spend on each and what percentage of your day they take up.

Activities are color-coded: green for productive activities, orange for unproductive, and blue for neutral.

Smart Time Tracker has a predefined list of the most popular sites and apps that are classified accordingly. If you wish to reclassify an activity, you can do so in the 'Activity Categories' section or directly on the main dashboard by clicking the ellipsis icon (3 dots) opposite it and selecting a different status.
